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Foam Rollers

27 Oct 2021

The key to living vigorously

Granger Chiropractic

Wagga's Family Chiro

exercise rollers

Foam Rollers are an excellent tool to have at home, for rolling out/ lengthening tight muscles. They are commonly used throughout the Legs and Gluts after a big run or gym session. You can use a foam roller to passively work on your posture too, see below for our favourite relaxing stretches.

Perfect after working at a desk, long drives or study, the following can help relieve tension in shoulders, reduce burning sensations and open the chest.

1. Thoracic spine mobility on foam roller – arm opener:

• Place a foam roller on the floor length ways and lie on top of the roller with it running down the centre of your spine. Bend your knees and find the neutral position on the roller.

• Holding this position, raise your arms up towards the ceiling.

• Your palms should face in towards one another and fingers should point to the ceiling.

• Drop your arms out to the side, feeling the stretch across the front of your chest.

• Bring them back up to the vertical position, pointing to the ceiling.

• Repeat, dropping your arms out to the sides again.

• Ensure your upper and lower back do not move from the neutral position.

• Repeat 2 sets of 8 Reps

Image: physitrack.com

2. Segmental thoracic extension over foam roll – hands behind head

• Place a foam roll across the floor.

• Lie back with the foam roll running across the level of your spine that you would like to stretch.

• Wrap your hands around the back of your head to support the weight.

• Ensure you do not pull your head forward, keep it in line with the rest of your spine.

• Inhale, then as you exhale allow your body to relax over the foam roll.

• Hold this position in a stretch, continuing to focus on your breathing.

• Hold at each segment for 10 seconds before moving the roller again.

Image: physitrack.com

3. Longitudinal thoracic extension stretch over foam roll

• Place a foam roll on the floor.

• Lie back with the foam roll running directly down the centre of your spine.

• Reach your arms out to the sides, and bend your elbows to 90 degrees.

• Relax your forearms back towards the floor behind you, and hold this position in a stretch.

• Hold for at least 30 seconds working towards 2mins


Image: physitrack.com

Any size foam roller can be used for these exercises, and if you don’t have one handy you can try a rolled up towel for a gentle version.

Reference: https://au.physitrack.com/exercises?refinementList%5Bequipment_en%5D%5B0%5D=Foam%20Roller