67 Johnston St, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

(02) 6971 8411

March is Mobility Month!

25 Mar 2021

The key to living vigorously

Granger Chiropractic

Wagga's Family Chiro

mobility Month

In honour of Mobility Month here at Granger Chiropractic, we have put together our favourite Stretches, for a full body lengthen and limber up! Try these the next time you are feeling a bit stiff, have been sitting for a while, or first thing in the morning to loosen up for the day!

Neck Roll:

a) With your shoulders relaxed, drop your ear to your shoulder and gently roll your neck forward and back, holding each position for about 5 seconds. Repeat x 5

Cat Cow:

a) Start on your hands and knees with your back in a neutral position.

b) Arch your back, lifting your head up and pushing your tail bone out, making a dish with your spine.

c) Hold this position

d ) Next, bend your back up by tucking your head and tail bone in and pulling your belly button in towards your spine, making a curve through your back. Hold this position, and then repeat.


McKenzie extension:

a) Lie down on your tummy and place your hands under your shoulders.

b) Lift your chest up off the floor by pushing down through your hands, arching your lower back.

c) Tighten your buttock muscles so that your hips stay on the floor.

Childs pose with twist:

a) Kneel on the floor and sit on your heels.

b) You can place cushions underneath your hips if you need to.

c) Stretch your arms out in front of you, and walk your hands over to one side.

d) Keeping your hips over your heels, turn your outer palm to face up, and place the other hand on top.

e) Arch your outer side up a little as you reach to the side to increase the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat other side

Hamstring Stretch:

a) Place the foot of your affected leg onto a chair or step.

b) Keep your knee straight and foot pointing ahead.

c) Keeping your back straight, tip forwards from your hips, pushing your buttocks out behind you until you feel a stretch down the back of your thigh.

d) Hold this position for 15 seconds repeat each leg x3


Images: www.physitrack.com.au