67 Johnston St, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

(02) 6971 8411

World Breastfeeding Week

04 Aug 2021

The key to living vigorously

Granger Chiropractic

Wagga's Family Chiro


World Breast feeding week is recognised from August 1st to August 7th 2021. Here at Granger Chiropractic we fully support Breastfeeding Week and also acknowledge that breastfeeding or bottle feeding can lead to postural discomfort and tension, especially as Bub gets bigger and heavier. Our nursing parents often report feeling pain in the mid back, neck and/or shoulders. Where possible it is ideal to feed in a position that has mum and baby well supported but sometimes time of day or location are not conducive to this.

In support of World Breastfeeding Week here are a couple of great stretches to perform after a feed & some strength exercises to help maintain your posture:

1. Cat Camel:

Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back, lifting your head up and pushing your tail bone out, making a dish with your spine. Hold this position. Next, bend your back up by tucking your head and tail bone in and pulling your belly button in towards your spine, making a curve through your back. Repeat x 8.


2. Thread the needle:

Start on your hands and knees. Take one hand off the floor and reach in and through, between your other arm and your legs. Allow your body and head to follow, moving your shoulder down towards the floor as your hand reaches through. You should feel a stretch down your side, your shoulder blade and neck. Hold this position, before reversing the steps to come out of this stretch. Repeat 3x each side, holding the stretch for 10 seconds.


3. Supermans:

Lie on your front with your head in a neutral position. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, and activate your core stability muscles. Simultaneously lift both arms and both legs, clenching your buttock muscles and your lower back muscles. Maintain a neutral alignment with your head throughout the movement. Hold 3 for 15 seconds, working on how long you can hold for.


4. Scapula Retraction:

Start in a seated position and place your hands on your hips. Let your shoulders fall forward by rounding the upper back, then squeeze your shoulder blades together, drawing them back and down as your elbows come out and back. Keep your shoulders pressed down and away from the ears at all times. Repeat x 8 holding for 2 seconds each rep.


For more stretches check out one of our earlier articles here. If pain persists while feeding or after, chat to your chiropractor about possible management.